Educational Support » Academics » Special Education

Special Education

A guiding principle of the Special Education Department at PS 204 and within the New York City Department of Education is the idea that Special Education is a SERVICE, not a PLACE. With this in mind, our highly trained special education teachers and related service providers work to plan and provide specially designed instruction to students with Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). 
Special Education can be provided in a variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes and periods of time. Using the New York City Department of Education Continuum of Services, students may receive Special Education Support for part or all of their learning day. This may be provided in a student's general education class, an integrated learning setting, or a structured class setting. Considerations for educational placement and services are initiated through the School Based Support Team.
Students who are found eligible for Special Education Services will have them provided within the PS 204 School Community. Each year, an annual IEP review is conducted to determine next steps for your child's continued growth. Every three years, children with a IEP undergo a "Mandated Three Year Review" which entails new educational and psychological testing, as well as observations. 
PS 204 supports Special Education Students from grades Kindergarten through Fifth Grade with supports provided in General Education, Integrated Setting, and Structured Class Setting. If further testing determines additional related service supports are required, PS 204 is staffed with Full Time Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Counselor, and Hearing Education Teacher. 
Continuum of Services
For additional questions about Special Education, Please Contact the Special Education Liaision, Mr. Peo, at [email protected] or School Psychologist, Ms. Shearin, at [email protected]. For additional Information about Special Education and NYC Public Schools, Please Press Here. 
Special Education Teachers
Ms. Emily Matulich- Grade K
Ms. Rina Cohen- Grade K/1
Ms. Nayeli Pena- Grade 1
Ms. Lia Taleno- Grade 2/3
Ms. Melina Milanovic- Grade 2
Ms. Stephanie Knoller- Grade 3/4
Mr. Joseph Cundari- Grade 3
Ms. Ashley Gonzalez- Grace 3
Ms. Venetta Davies- Grade 4
Mr. John Barbour- Grade 5
Ms. Melissa Cunningham- Grade 4/5
Mr. Brendan Peo- SETSS K-5
Related Service Providers
Ms. Lisa Macchia- Speech and Language Therapy
Ms. Stephanie Poller- Speech and Language Therapy
Ms. Corinne Prevost- Speech and Language Therapy
Mr. Michael Cohen- Occupational Therapy
Dr. Brian Muni- Occupational Therapy 
Ms. Lira Lugay- Physical Therapy
Dr. Kelly Hernandez- Physical Therapy
Ms. Barbara Rivera- School Counseling
Ms. Lydia Delgado- Hearing Education Services
School Based Support Team (SBST) 
Ms. Christina Shearin- School Psychologist
Ms. Angela Herrera- Bilingual School Social Worker
Mr. Brendan Peo- Special Education Liaison/Coordinator
Ms. Anunska Nina- Bilingual School Family Worker
Ms. Maria Maldonado- Bilingual School Family Worker